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*** Posted by MCreel(mcreel@intelmon.com) *** Have Beech Skipper Fuselage and Tail Feathers for sale, Good glass, Best Offer
*** Posted by American Banner, Inc.(todd@american-banner.com) ***
Looking for a PA-25-235 wing strut that will punch test good. Prefer the location be in the southeast for ease of shipping. Contact Todd or Dennis at 904 781 0686.
*** Posted by Scott Shyrock(sshyrock@bellsouth.net) ***
Bell 206 Transmissions 206-040-002-025 and 206-040-002-029 for sale in overhauled condition Call/Fax: 561-299-1235 or E-mail for quotes
*** Posted byScott Shyrock(sshyrock@bellsouth.net)) ***
Thousands of Bell parts for sale from as low as 50% of list for new. Starter generators, Hydraulic Servos, Transmissions, Gear Boxes, Gauges (man do we have gauges) Bearings (out the Kazoo) Ring Gears, Sun Gears, Pinions, Masts… and the list goes on and on. Also, Overhauled, and serviceable ...
*** Posted by njsmd(njsmd@lycos.com) ***
These parts in serviceable condition are from a closed Aircraft Maintenance and Repair business. FAX 305 258-8044 OR email above. I prefer to sell these all together or by lot but will consider selling individual items. Prices are approximately 10% to 15% of list. Details (altPNs, traceability, SN's, ...
*** Posted by Ari Mintz(arisu@tuna.net) ***
This may be a rather untraditional request for this forum, but if anyone has access to this part, or any leads on a source, it would be most appreciated.
In renovating a rather small NYC apartment bathroom, we are attempting to find an airliner (pref. a Pan Am or Eastern model, but would certainly ...
*** Posted by Mark Carlsen(scarlsen@sympatico.ca) ***
Hello, our company purchases used and run-out PT6A engines.
We also sell rebuilt engines. We deal in US Dollars. Do let us
Know if there is a need.
Mark Carlsen
Corporate Aircraft Supply
Fax (905)743-0676
*** Posted by Karl Schneider(gpsmurf@mail.ev1.net) ***
Does anyone out there have any experience with Nitrous on aircraft?
I want to be able to get my A-65 to put out about 85hp for about 10 seconds during take off.
Yes, my aircraft is an experimental.
Thanks, Karl
*** Posted by Renee' Brown (MagikButterfly@webtv.net) ***
Am looking for tires for a WW2 P-38 airplane located in Kentucky,USA, that is nearing complete restoration. Size 36SC is needed. Can anyone help? Thanks.
*** Posted by Francisco Gonzalez(Gonzaflex@aol.com) ***
I'm looking to replace the front prop on my aircraft this prop is diferent from the 337
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