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[quote user=Sales 4 MIG-29,
Dear Colleagues,
We have the opportunity to deliver (sell) ATI 1-category to Mi-8 (171), Mi-24 helicopters:
1) Main reducer VR-14, VR-24
2) Main rotor blades 2710, 2700
3) The skew machine 1950
4) Main rotor sleeve 1930
5) Vibration dampers 1250, 1280
6) Tail Shaft 1516
7) Intermediate reduction gear 1515
8) Tail reducer 1517
9) Steering screw ...
Dear Colleagues,
We have the opportunity to deliver (sell) ATI 1-category to Mi-8 (171), Mi-24 helicopters:
1) Main reducer VR-14, VR-24
2) Main rotor blades 2710, 2700
3) The skew machine 1950
4) Main rotor sleeve 1930
5) Vibration dampers 1250, 1280
6) Tail Shaft 1516
7) Intermediate reduction gear 1515
8) Tail reducer 1517
9) Steering screw ...
Dear Colleagues,
We have the opportunity to deliver (sell) ATI 1-category to Mi-8 (171), Mi-24 helicopters:
1) Main reducer VR-14, VR-24
2) Main rotor blades 2710, 2700
3) The skew machine 1950
4) Main rotor sleeve 1930
5) Vibration dampers 1250, 1280
6) Tail Shaft 1516
7) Intermediate reduction gear 1515
8) Tail reducer 1517
9) Steering screw ...
We deliver (sales) components and spare parts to Russian helicopters (1 category new units and engines) Mi-8, Mi-24, Mi-171, Mi-24, Kamov Ka-25 helicopters (27), Ka-32 fire-fighters. We send the information after the official request and your company letterhead and your request form is end user. E-mail: helica.aerotech@bk.ru
The company makes delivery of spare parts for Russian helicopters Mi-17 (Mi-8) and Ka-32 (repair of units and units). Repair of engines and reducers. Delivery of aircraft engines, rotor rotors (tail rotor lobes).
The company performs repair of aggregates (engines, reducers), delivery of spare parts for Russian Mi-171 and Ka 32 helicopters, first and second category spare parts (engines, reducers, loupes, rotor). Work on the recovery of used helicopters. Organization of a local service base on the territory of the operator, warranty service.Repair of engines