

MIG-29's update with western avionics?
Last post 05-26-1999, 11:31 PM by anonymous2. 28 replies.
05-13-1999, 12:52 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
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MIG-29's update with western avionics?
*** Posted by Rapier ***
Hi to all,
I just read in "Air Combat Magazine" that russian MIG-29's are to update their systems with western avionics very similar to the F-16's. Does this mean that F-16's have found their match?
Comments welcome...
05-14-1999, 10:42 PM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
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Re:MIG-29's update with western avionics?
*** Posted by TIGER ***
Hi Rapier
I must tell you that if MIG29 will have western avionics and fly-by-wire systems (MIG-29M uses fly-by-wire) the F16 will no longer be a match for MIG29.
If you want more explanation let me know.
[Hi to all,
I just read in "Air Combat Magazine" that russian MIG-29's are to update their systems with western avionics very similar to the F-16's. Does this mean that F-16's have found their match?
Comments welcome...
05-15-1999, 12:07 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
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Re:MIG-29's update with western avionics?
*** Posted by Rapier ***
[Hi Rapier
I must tell you that if MIG29 will have western avionics and fly-by-wire systems (MIG-29M uses fly-by-wire) the F16 will no longer be a match for MIG29.
If you want more explanation let me know.
Hi to all,
I just read in "Air Combat Magazine" that russian MIG-29's are to update their systems with western avionics very similar to the F-16's. Does this mean that F-16's have found their match?
Comments welcome...
Hi Tiger,
I'm glad you are back because I wanted to ask you about this because it is very interesting. I can say 100% that it is absolutely true and the MIG-29M's are going to be updated soon, but I will try to find out which country is going for the update. When I read the article I said exactly the same thing about it being a true match now for the F-16. Do you think that the west will again be designing new and improved systems to again gain the advantage in this area?
Rapier -)-------
05-15-1999, 12:54 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re:MIG-29's update with western avionics?
*** Posted by TIGER ***
Hi Rapier
Nice to here you again!
The West will have to develop new weapon systems and electronics because they lost the game with aerodinamics.
The MIG29 is the MIG29 but what do you say about the SU35 updated with these western avionics? What match will you find for him? I say no match. (Maybe F22)
The F22 can turn better in some situations.
To my friend Rapier
[Hi Rapier
I must tell you that if MIG29 will have western avionics and fly-by-wire systems (MIG-29M uses fly-by-wire) the F16 will no longer be a match for MIG29.
If you want more explanation let me know.
Hi to all,
I just read in "Air Combat Magazine" that russian MIG-29's are to update their systems with western avionics very similar to the F-16's. Does this mean that F-16's have found their match?
Comments welcome...
Hi Tiger,
I'm glad you are back because I wanted to ask you about this because it is very interesting. I can say 100% that it is absolutely true and the MIG-29M's are going to be updated soon, but I will try to find out which country is going for the update. When I read the article I said exactly the same thing about it being a true match now for the F-16. Do you think that the west will again be designing new and improved systems to again gain the advantage in this area?
Rapier -)-------]
05-15-1999, 12:57 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re: To Rapier (Where to find me)
*** Posted by TIGER ***
Hi Rapier
Most of the time I'm on YAHOO games Backgammon. My callsign is JULI_RAUREANU. If you want to chat let me know
Hi Rapier
Nice to here you again!
The West will have to develop new weapon systems and electronics because they lost the game with aerodinamics.
The MIG29 is the MIG29 but what do you say about the SU35 updated with these western avionics? What match will you find for him? I say no match. (Maybe F22)
The F22 can turn better in some situations.
To my friend Rapier
Hi Rapier
I must tell you that if MIG29 will have western avionics and fly-by-wire systems (MIG-29M uses fly-by-wire) the F16 will no longer be a match for MIG29.
If you want more explanation let me know.
Hi to all,
I just read in "Air Combat Magazine" that russian MIG-29's are to update their systems with western avionics very similar to the F-16's. Does this mean that F-16's have found their match?
Comments welcome...
Hi Tiger,
I'm glad you are back because I wanted to ask you about this because it is very interesting. I can say 100% that it is absolutely true and the MIG-29M's are going to be updated soon, but I will try to find out which country is going for the update. When I read the article I said exactly the same thing about it being a true match now for the F-16. Do you think that the west will again be designing new and improved systems to again gain the advantage in this area?
Rapier -)-------]
05-15-1999, 1:28 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re:MIG-29's update with western avionics?
*** Posted by Rapier ***
Hi Rapier
Nice to here you again!
The West will have to develop new weapon systems and electronics because they lost the game with aerodinamics.
The MIG29 is the MIG29 but what do you say about the SU35 updated with these western avionics? What match will you find for him? I say no match. (Maybe F22)
The F22 can turn better in some situations.
To my friend Rapier
Hi Tiger,
I'm glad you are back because I wanted to ask you about this because it is very interesting. I can say 100% that it is absolutely true and the MIG-29M's are going to be updated soon, but I will try to find out which country is going for the update. When I read the article I said exactly the same thing about it being a true match now for the F-16. Do you think that the west will again be designing new and improved systems to again gain the advantage in this area?
Rapier -)-------]
Hi Tiger,
Yes It is true and this is serious business if the SU-35 gets updated as well, this could mean bad news for western defence. But saying this It could also mean that the west may be holding back on some key features of the system and make the east believe that they are giving them the same systems when they are not doing so and still trying to hold some advantage. If they are doing this I still believe that planes like the SU-35 have some kind of manuverability advantage. Dont forget that the west is developing the F-22 (like you said) and the JSF so this is where the advantage could be. People belive that they know lot's about these programes but I think there is lots of more secret developments that we dont know about conserning these aircraft, but they will be truly awsome and the ball will be back in the court of western countries.
What has happened to Russia's own stealth program? I now they are experiencing financial difficulties at the moment but I find it is still ok to put pencil to paper and improve the ideas further. Maybe now they have stealth technology in their hands they will learn something new and improve it further, they are good in this area. Do you know anything about the stealth program please tell!
Regards from a friend
05-15-1999, 1:35 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re: To Rapier (Where to find me)
*** Posted by Rapier ***
[Hi Rapier
Most of the time I'm on YAHOO games Backgammon. My callsign is JULI_RAUREANU. If you want to chat let me know
Hello Tiger,
I'm not very good at backgammon but It would be great to talk to you. Actually there is some questions I would like to ask you on another matter (not to do with aircraft but something similar) but not at the moment, very soon o.k because it is still in design. I think it would be better to contact me by e-mail so we can talk better as I am not aware of Yahoo Games (by the way what other games can you play there).
Thanks friend!
05-15-1999, 1:39 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re: To Rapier (Where to find me)
*** Posted by TIGER ***
Hi Rapier
Just go inside Backgammon and we will talk inside the game.
Other games are chess , checkers, cards, etc.
What do you say about playing online some sims?
To my friend Rapier
[Hi Rapier
Most of the time I'm on YAHOO games Backgammon. My callsign is JULI_RAUREANU. If you want to chat let me know
Hello Tiger,
I'm not very good at backgammon but It would be great to talk to you. Actually there is some questions I would like to ask you on another matter (not to do with aircraft but something similar) but not at the moment, very soon o.k because it is still in design. I think it would be better to contact me by e-mail so we can talk better as I am not aware of Yahoo Games (by the way what other games can you play there).
Thanks friend!
05-15-1999, 2:05 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re: To Tiger -)-----------
*** Posted by Rapier ***
[Hi Rapier
Just go inside Backgammon and we will talk inside the game.
Other games are chess , checkers, cards, etc.
What do you say about playing online some sims?
To my friend Rapier
Hi Tiger,
I went to Yahoo Games but I found it difficult to find you. I did go inside backgammon but there are a few rooms so I dont know where to start to find you. Can I search for you when I'm in Yahoo games somehow Tiger, because I did'nt even know Yahoo Games existed. I would love to play some sims online if that's ok, maybe we could both teach each other some tricks in Falcon 4. I like to play co-oprative missions as well though if that's ok. By the way Tiger I found some interesting little program at www.resounding.com. It's a little program that will allow us to talk to each other (like real comms in the F-16) when we are online, get it, it's free and it's all explained how to use it on their web site.
05-15-1999, 2:26 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re: To Rapier-)-----------
*** Posted by TIGER ***
Hi Rapier
Go to Y games , Backgammon, choose ladder and then EVEREST
I'm there
Waiting for you
[Hi Rapier
Just go inside Backgammon and we will talk inside the game.
Other games are chess , checkers, cards, etc.
What do you say about playing online some sims?
To my friend Rapier
Hi Tiger,
I went to Yahoo Games but I found it difficult to find you. I did go inside backgammon but there are a few rooms so I dont know where to start to find you. Can I search for you when I'm in Yahoo games somehow Tiger, because I did'nt even know Yahoo Games existed. I would love to play some sims online if that's ok, maybe we could both teach each other some tricks in Falcon 4. I like to play co-oprative missions as well though if that's ok. By the way Tiger I found some interesting little program at www.resounding.com. It's a little program that will allow us to talk to each other (like real comms in the F-16) when we are online, get it, it's free and it's all explained how to use it on their web site.
05-15-1999, 2:46 PM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re: To Rapier-)-----------
*** Posted by Rapier ***
Hi Rapier
Go to Y games , Backgammon, choose ladder and then EVEREST
I'm there
Waiting for you
Hi Rapier
Just go inside Backgammon and we will talk inside the game.
Other games are chess , checkers, cards, etc.
What do you say about playing online some sims?
To my friend Rapier
Hi Tiger,
I went to Yahoo Games but I found it difficult to find you. I did go inside backgammon but there are a few rooms so I dont know where to start to find you. Can I search for you when I'm in Yahoo games somehow Tiger, because I did'nt even know Yahoo Games existed. I would love to play some sims online if that's ok, maybe we could both teach each other some tricks in Falcon 4. I like to play co-oprative missions as well though if that's ok. By the way Tiger I found some interesting little program at www.resounding.com. It's a little program that will allow us to talk to each other (like real comms in the F-16) when we are online, get it, it's free and it's all explained how to use it on their web site.
Hi Tiger,
Sorry I could'nt find you yesterday but thanks for telling me where you are. Now I know where to find you but let me know when your on ok ahead of time. I may not be on for a day or 2 because I have got a few things to do here but I will be back soon.
Thanks doode,
05-19-1999, 12:02 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re: To Tiger, fromRapier-)-----------
*** Posted by Rapier ***
Tiger, where are you doode?
I know where Everest is now so I know where to find you but most of the time it's full and I cant get on to see if your there to chat. Let me know where you are and when your on ok. I found out some interesting info Tiger on future Russian aircraft that I wanted to discuss.
Hi Rapier
Go to Y games , Backgammon, choose ladder and then EVEREST
I'm there
Waiting for you
Hi Rapier
Just go inside Backgammon and we will talk inside the game.
Other games are chess , checkers, cards, etc.
What do you say about playing online some sims?
To my friend Rapier
Hi Tiger,
I went to Yahoo Games but I found it difficult to find you. I did go inside backgammon but there are a few rooms so I dont know where to start to find you. Can I search for you when I'm in Yahoo games somehow Tiger, because I did'nt even know Yahoo Games existed. I would love to play some sims online if that's ok, maybe we could both teach each other some tricks in Falcon 4. I like to play co-oprative missions as well though if that's ok. By the way Tiger I found some interesting little program at www.resounding.com. It's a little program that will allow us to talk to each other (like real comms in the F-16) when we are online, get it, it's free and it's all explained how to use it on their web site.
05-19-1999, 12:31 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re:MIG-29's update with western avionics?
*** Posted by run ***
I have some pictures of a flanker with glass cockpit I will posts tomorrow. Maybe you guys know what the deal is.
[Hi to all,
I just read in "Air Combat Magazine" that russian MIG-29's are to update their systems with western avionics very similar to the F-16's. Does this mean that F-16's have found their match?
Comments welcome...
05-19-1999, 12:49 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
updated and soon to be improved avionics?
*** Posted by Rapier ***
Hejsa RUN,
It would be good if you could show some pictures of a flanker glass cockpit as they look interesting. When I read the article in the Mag it also stated that the systems were not only intergrated into the aircraft and weapons systems but when they received the technology they are currently working on designing and building even better systems as they now understand the technology, these new systems will probably be tested within the next year or so, I'll keep a look out for some info from "Janes Defence Weekly".
[I have some pictures of a flanker with glass cockpit I will posts tomorrow. Maybe you guys know what the deal is.
Hi to all,
I just read in "Air Combat Magazine" that russian MIG-29's are to update their systems with western avionics very similar to the F-16's. Does this mean that F-16's have found their match?
Comments welcome...
05-19-1999, 2:30 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
*** Posted by TIGER ***
Hi friend
How are you?
Most of the time I play Su27 in flanker-o-club.
If you want to join use mirc and join me.
I'm waiting for you.
Your friend Tiger.
Tiger, where are you doode?
I know where Everest is now so I know where to find you but most of the time it's full and I cant get on to see if your there to chat. Let me know where you are and when your on ok. I found out some interesting info Tiger on future Russian aircraft that I wanted to discuss.
Hi Rapier
Go to Y games , Backgammon, choose ladder and then EVEREST
I'm there
Waiting for you
Hi Rapier
Just go inside Backgammon and we will talk inside the game.
Other games are chess , checkers, cards, etc.
What do you say about playing online some sims?
To my friend Rapier
Hi Tiger,
I went to Yahoo Games but I found it difficult to find you. I did go inside backgammon but there are a few rooms so I dont know where to start to find you. Can I search for you when I'm in Yahoo games somehow Tiger, because I did'nt even know Yahoo Games existed. I would love to play some sims online if that's ok, maybe we could both teach each other some tricks in Falcon 4. I like to play co-oprative missions as well though if that's ok. By the way Tiger I found some interesting little program at www.resounding.com. It's a little program that will allow us to talk to each other (like real comms in the F-16) when we are online, get it, it's free and it's all explained how to use it on their web site.
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